Proposals have been submitted along West Boulevard Street, Harborne, Birmingham B32 2PJ (2021/10318/PA) for the installation of a 20m high 5G Mast and the associated infrastructure.
Residents who have contacted us are concerned about:
- The structure visually obstructing the bend on the Minton Road, from the roundabout off West Boulevard and into oncoming traffic where there are already regular accidents
- Why this is needed when there are already 5 masts in a 1-mile radius
- The impact it will have on the visual character of the area.
We would like to hear your views on this matter, whether you support or oppose this application, and the reasons for your views. All comments we received will be submitted to the City Council Planning Department.
You can also use the Council's planning website to make your comments known:
Any comments need to be submitted by 20th January so that the Planning Committee have all the information they need to make their decision.
Harborne Conservatives Quinton Conservatives
Cllr Peter Fowler Cllr Dominic Stanford
Harriet O'Hara Connor McCormack