As your local Conservative Councillors, we have been campaigning for Speed Cameras along West Boulevard. We now need your help to force the Labour-run Council to listen to our community's concerns.
Speeding has always been a problem on West Boulevard, but for the last six months, the road has also become a race track, with car cruising taking place nearly every weekend.
We have held regular meetings with the Police to urge them to take more action and we are pleased that arrests have been made in relation to the car cruising. We are grateful to so many local residents that have provided information to help the Police get a handle on the car cruising, and to those who have attended our virtual community meetings to share their concerns.
We have been calling for speed cameras to be installed on West Boulevard, but sadly have been informed that the Labour-run Council will not be pursuing this due to a lack of "need".
It is now up to us as a community to show our support for speed cameras and force the Council to listen to our demands.
Please sign our petition.
Yours faithfully,
Cllr Dominic Stanford
Cllr Peter Fowler
Cllr Bruce Lines
Cllr John Lines